
শিক্ষা জাতির মেরুদন্ড
Education in Bangladesh, known as Shiksha in Bengali, is a fundamental aspect of the country’s development. Since its independence in 1971, Bangladesh has made significant progress in improving access to education and increasing literacy rates. The government of Bangladesh has implemented several initiatives to promote education, with a particular emphasis on achieving universal primary education.

The education system in Bangladesh is divided into four levels: primary, secondary, higher secondary, and tertiary education. Primary education is free and compulsory for all children aged 6-10 years, while secondary education is also compulsory and lasts for four years. After completing secondary education, students can pursue higher secondary education, which lasts for two years and prepares them for tertiary education. Tertiary education in Bangladesh includes colleges and universities that offer undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in various fields.

The government of Bangladesh has implemented several initiatives to promote education and increase literacy rates across the country. One such initiative is the National Education Policy, which was last updated in 2010. This policy aims to provide quality education to all citizens and promote lifelong learning opportunities.

Bangladesh has also made significant progress in increasing access to education, particularly for girls. The government has implemented several initiatives to promote girls’ education, such as stipends and scholarships for girls from disadvantaged backgrounds. As a result, the gender gap in education has significantly reduced, with nearly equal enrollment rates for boys and girls at the primary level.

In addition to formal education, Bangladesh also has a rich tradition of informal education, particularly in rural areas. This type of education includes community-based learning, apprenticeships, and traditional forms of knowledge transfer. Informal education has played a vital role in preserving cultural traditions and promoting sustainable development in rural areas.

However, despite these achievements, Bangladesh still faces several challenges in the education sector. The quality of education remains a significant concern, with many schools lacking basic facilities such as textbooks, qualified teachers, and adequate infrastructure. Additionally, the dropout rate remains high, particularly at the secondary level, due to financial constraints and social pressures.

In conclusion, education is a crucial aspect of Bangladesh’s development, and the government has implemented several initiatives to promote education and increase access to learning opportunities. While progress has been made, there are still challenges that need to be addressed to ensure quality education for all citizens. The promotion of informal education and the preservation of cultural traditions are also essential for sustainable development. With continued efforts, Bangladesh can achieve its goal of providing quality education to all citizens and achieve sustainable development.

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Arup Haldar Posted Arup Haldar জুন ১৮, ২০২৪

সনাতন ধর্মের অর্থ কি এবং কোথা থেকে এর উৎপত্তি ?What is Sanatana Dharma and where does it originate from?

সনাতন ধর্মের অর্থ এবং উৎপত্তি: প্রাচীন কালে ভারতে সিন্দু নামে একটি নদী ছিল। সিন্দু নদীর তীরে বসবাসকারী জনগোষ্ঠীকে বলা হতো

Arup Haldar Posted Arup Haldar জুন ১৮, ২০২৪

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Arup Haldar Posted Arup Haldar জুন ১৮, ২০২৪

সনাতন ধর্মের অর্থ কি এবং কোথা থেকে এর উৎপত্তি ?What is Sanatana Dharma and where does it originate from?

সনাতন ধর্মের অর্থ এবং উৎপত্তি: প্রাচীন কালে ভারতে সিন্দু নামে একটি নদী ছিল। সিন্দু নদীর তীরে বসবাসকারী জনগোষ্ঠীকে বলা হতো

Arup Haldar Posted Arup Haldar জুন ১৮, ২০২৪
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